Thursday, April 17, 2008

Part 2!

We went on this fun tour that took Jon & I around Oahu.
Dole Plantation! They had pineapple everything! Ice cream, candies, fresh pineapple slices...I'd just wished I liked pineapple... :/This is a Baptist church that also owned a golf course at the bottom of a cliff. And this is what happened at the top of the cliff...The Battle of Nu'uanu Pali.This was our tour guide! He was from New York and talked like my Lobstah! He was so fun! Our view outside of our room. Looks like a postcard, huh!?
We went to Germaine's Luau. I loved it! The dancers show you the different kinds of hula dancing! Those girl's hips move 100 mph, it was crazy!! We also went on a bike & hike. This is us after biking, and that is Honululu behind us!

This is me before the hike. I had brand new white shoes, but I didn't want them to get dirty, so they gave me these boots!! That day wore me out!! Plus, I almost wiped out on a bike! haha But it was a really fun trip!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mmm..Another Sex Tape!

When I saw this on Dlisted, I just about cried!! It's a sex tape of Ryan Phillipe and Veatrice from the Jimmy Kimmel Show. I always thought Ryan was one of those guys that was always serious...I'm JEEELLLLUSS of Veatrice!! I want you to get the fck up off of my leg Ryan Phillipe!! Enjoy!

Honeymoon Time!

We went to Honolulu, Hawaii for our honeymoon. I highly recommend that you visit Hawaii sometime in your life. Jon and I promised each other that every 5 years we're going back. Watch out Hawaii, I'm coming back 2013! We were thinking about taking the kids there, but screw that! If they want to go, they can pay for themselves!! haha jk. It was so weird that I had no one to take care of (except myself) for a whole week! If we wanted to go somewhere, we could just GO, instead of having to find someone to baby sit our kids. One night we didn't want to be in our hotel room, so we just walked to the beach. Moving on! I have tons of pictures so this will probably be a 2 part post-thang. Just to show you how clear the water is!! This is where they filmed part of From Here to Eternity... and then that big wave comes splashing down...
We took a submarine ride and we saw sunken ships and airplanes that crashed. While we were down we saw sharks, tons of fish, sting rays, and my favorite sea turtles! Arrrrr!! Sea turtles!! Strapped to my boots! (sorry Pirates of the Caribbean moment) This is the U.S.S. Arizona. When you go there you have to watch a 20 minute movie about what happened. And they have a lot of footage of the devastation. The reason they had this video of everything was because one soldier wanted to show his parents where he was and what he did, so he was filming and then hell broke loose. I cried. These were kids that were under attack, 17,18,19 yr olds. A lot were brothers. I felt so bad for the parents. I don't know what I would do if both my boys died. And Nathan is driving me nuts because every time he sees a military commercial he says, I'm going to do that. I know he's only 5, but its like, what if? He's been saying it for 2 years now...anyway. Whatever he does, I'll support it! This is the oil that is leaking from the Arizona. Right when you step out on the memorial you can smell the oil. And the feeling is just so heavy. It's hard not to cry. Right before you go to the memorial they tell you, "This is the soldiers grave, please have respect for them and reframe from talking." And while most people kept it quiet, only the really old people and the Japanese were talking loud. I can get the old folk, perhaps their old, hairy ears don't work anymore...but the Japanese, I don't know. God bless Japanese people, I don't hate them, but it makes you paranoid when they are talking loud and laughing at the memorial. That's all I going to say about that! ...uh.. onward!
And this is the U.S.S. Missouri. It also was damaged during the air raid, but they were able to salvage it. It was amazing to see that battleship. Truely amazing! Def. see the U.S.S. Arizona. There is also a museum of what the kids did on the ships (baseball teams, etc.) as well as the telegrams that was sent to the families about there loved ones death. Well that is all I'm going to post for now. I'll get another post up soon!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What You've Been Waiting for?

Five. Five Dollar. Five Dollar Footlooooong. Curse you Subway and your damn jingle!! I've been singing that song for days!!! If I can't get that song out of my head, well then, I'll subject you all to the same fate!! Sorry! Got a little bit out of hand there...Okay here they are. My wedding pictures. My brother & I. If I was a guy, I would look like my brother. Tee hee. Genetically, we both have the exact same facial features. It's neat that we have the same mouth because his son and Nick both have our mouths. You can tell they are related! But thats another post! My lovely bridesmaids!Our lovely family that we had out of wedlock! ;)I just wanted to show the flip flops I wore during my wedding! Tee hee!I like this picture only because I think I look cute like Meli!! She smiles all cute!!Cake time!!At the dinner!All of my close friends! (from left to right) Maid of Honor, Laura, my friend Cynthia that I grew up with (she visited me from out of town!), Kathleen, moi, Ashlie, Christy and Lindsey.This picture is of the Best Man (left) Jon and then me. When I first saw this picture, one word popped into my head. Trouble. Haha!! Well trouble for Jonathan...And thats pretty much it. I WILL post about my honeymoon, only because I KNOW I had a past life in Hawaii. That's the most beautifulestally place I have ever been in my life. I loved it there. Plan a trip to Hawaii, trust me, it's worth it.

Let the Good Times Roll!!

Baby is finally better. Although, he is getting his 1 yr molars and is extremely cranky. His ear is still leaking out fun-ness, but just a tiny bit. But all in all, he is doing a lot better so thank you for your kind wishes! xoxo
Now onto the good stuff. You know how I told you have have no drunk pictures of me?? Well I kind of lied. I don't have any pictures of my drunken ass-ery, but my friend does! Soo here is my drunk ass during the bachelorette party.
Okay, I wasn't drunk here. --^Lindsey and I were getting ready! This is just my sense'o'humor shinning through!!
Christy was trying to take a picture of me stuffing my face with cake, but she couldn't get it. So, being the great funny friend that I am, I posed with my mouth wide open, eatin' my cake! Key word here is POSED! Lindsey and I dancing...before the alcohol set in.
Around this time, I'm feeling pretty good.
Kathleen and I...the alcohol finally sets in, hence my dumb 2 in the pink, 1 in the stink pimp face. Allkeehall makes me feel gooooooood. I look like I'm pregnant again! haha. And that's all the drunk pictures she there! :P